Review paper on 10 years of wolverine research.

wolverine review paper

Become a wolverine expert reading just one single research paper! Together with several other biologists, we just published a review paper on what we collectively learned about wolverines in the last decade. In short, we learned a lot, and so can you:

We’re just kidding of course, nobody can be an expert in anything just by reading a couple reserarch papers. What our new review is intended to do, is to be a starting point for people who are interested in wolverine ecology, who want or need to learn about this species and the challenges it faces. It’s meant to be a comprehensive summary, not a substitute for in-depth reading and study. It’s meant to guide you towards the relevant scientific research papers, the researchers who conducted the respective studies, and provide an overview of the still-open questions.

Perhaps you find inspiration for your own wolverine research project? Or it helps you in your work, if you’re tasked with the creation of a multi-species management plan? Or you just love wolverine science, because you want to understand the world around you better? In any case, this paper is for you. And it’s open access, meaning it doesn’t sit behind a pay-wall, but is free of charge for you to download and share.


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